Wednesday 7 March 2012

Herbal Remedies

There are thousands of herbal remedies, both individual and combinations. Most people that turn to lese natural sources, for disease prevention or medical help, prefer more natural remedies. However, it is always a good idea to consult a health care provider before taking any medication. If you currently take a pharmaceutical, certain herbs can interfere with your current prescription. You can easily buy herbs online. Listed below are some of the most commonly used herbals.

Black Cohosh
Black cohosh is used most commonly for menopause symptoms. It has been shown to lessen or even alleviate hot flashes, moodiness and night sweats.

Studies have shown ginseng to be helpful in improving the immune system and lowing blood sugar. Asian ginseng is the most potent type, but American ginseng is also quite good.

Saw Palmetto
This herb is used to alleviate symptoms of an enlarged prostrate, such as frequent urination. Saw Palmetto does this by reducing the level of male sex hormones.

St. Johns Wart
Many have found this herb to help alleviate symptoms of depression and other mood disorders. It would be suggested for mild depression, or for a momentary period of difficulty. However, for a more serious condition, you should consult a health care practitioner for a course of treatment.

Milk Thistle
Milk thistle is commonly used as an antioxidant and a body detoxifier. It is an excellent liver tonic. 

Often called the herbal aspirin, medowsweet is a natural pain reliever and anti-inflammatory. This herb also acts as a mild urinary antiseptic and aids digestion.

These and many other herbal curatives can be purchased, inexpensively, online. Always follow the suggested usage, suggested by the manufacturer.